Sharing what you use and love is the best
way of helping others!
Dear New Hope Global Partner,
Our company was designed to bring New Hope to people’s lives. Because of that, we wanted to make high-quality products at an affordable price while having an efficient system in place to pay out more rewards to our community. Therefore, we have designed this rewards program to incentivize making our stories available on your social reach. We believe everyone should be rewarded for sharing our products.
Our rewards program was designed to be simple to understand. We are doing more than just sharing and selling products; we are helping people support their health with our products. This purpose drives us, so it is more than building a brand or selling products; we are here to make a difference in people’s lives.
As you have noticed, our Business Volume (BV) is mostly equal to the purchase value, so we ensure that everyone is compensated fairly. Furthermore, we have designed the program for the average individual who wants to build a part-time or full-time income. That is why we have implemented different ways in a simple yet aggressive rewards program.
Let us do more, serve more, and help more people support their health and income together!
Any person who is a Subscriber, Customer, Participant, or any level of Partner at NH Global.
A Member that has created their own user account but has not yet placed their personal order or enrolled in the NH Global Rewards Program.
A Member that has created their own user account and placed an order.
A Member enrolled in the NH Global Rewards Program and who has received their own unique NH Global sharing link. A Participant can be someone with or without an initial purchase.
A Member with two personally sponsored Customers or Participants and has placed an initial product order.
A waiting room where new Members wait to be placed by their referral (Sponsor). New members (irrespective of their rank) might be added to your Business Lounge to make it easy and convenient for you. If you select this option in your NH Business Cloud Office, you will have the chance to place them anywhere within your Team as suits during the same weekly commission period.
If you do not place the new Member during the same weekly period, the system will take care of it for you. In addition, the system will manage all of the un-placed Members in your Business Lounge in order of registration time and to the weakest Team leg at the time of their placement. Therefore, all Members in the Business Lounge will be placed in time for the weekly and monthly deadlines.
This a Tree view of all your personally sponsored Members and their future Members to infinity levels.
The Tree is shown as levels and positions of how the Members are supported by their Sponsor.
This Tree view includes the entire Personal Sponsor Tree view PLUS all of the possible members that have been placed inside your Team structure by Members of your upline structure.
Most of our Rewards are connected to a weekly period between Tuesday morning 0.00 CET (Central European Time) to the following Monday at 11.59 pm CET.
Every Member will have their own eWallet created when they become a Participant. Having their own eWallet will give them many benefits, such as – using the rewards on the wallet towards their own product purchases. Furthermore, it can be used as a full Wallet payment or partial Wallet payment, in addition to the other payment method chosen for the order payment.
All rewards from the Rewards Program are in two stages. The first one is the Pending stage, where your earned rewards will be held for six days. On the seventh day, every reward that has been pending will be cleared from on-hold and will be Available and automatically transferred to your eWallet. If you are a Partner, you will be able to request a withdrawal to the available payout option based on your country of residence.
Everybody becomes a Subscriber when they create an account. When someone places an order, they become a Customer. However, Subscribers and Customers do not automatically participate in the NH Global Rewards Program.
To participate, Subscribers or Customers need to become a Participant by agreeing to the Affiliate Rewards Program and creating their own webshop link.
For Participants to become Partners, the only condition is that they need to have two personally sponsored Customers AND have placed their own initial order to have the chance of a free upgrade to Partner. However, there is no monthly recurring Personal Purchase required to remain a Partner.
This is an instant reward for Members who share their store link with others. Every time your referral places an order, you are rewarded. You can earn a Level 1 reward as a Participant or while Level 1 and Level 2 are available to any Partner Rank Level.
The bonus is between 12-18% for Level 1 Personally Sponsored Members and between 6-10% for Level 2 Members based on your current Direct Order Bonus Tier Level.
Your Tier Level is calculated by summing up:
Your Tier Level is calculated each day over the previous 30 days of activity in your community and can vary from day to day.
For example, you placed your personal order for 60 EUR one week ago, and you also had five personally sponsored Member’s orders over the last 30 days with a total order amount of 560 EUR between these five members.
That means your Direct Orders Bonus Tier for today is 60 EUR + 560 EUR = 620 EUR. This means that you are in a Tier 2 Bonus today and any other day as you advance if the total personal and personally sponsored Members orders over the last 30 days are higher than 499 EUR.
Any order from your new personally sponsored Members within your Tier 2 level will give you a 15% Level 1 Direct Order Bonus.
The NH Global’s Unlimited Team Bonus is one of the most lucrative and solid building plans out there.
There is no maximum earning limit per week, and we do not require any monthly orders to keep all of your volume and efforts from your community members. We do not flush any volume.
We let you pick your pace and work towards your goals.
Our weekly period is between Tuesday morning 00.00 am CET time and Monday evening, 11.59 pm CET time. Between that period, any Member’s orders count towards the Unlimited Team Bonus based on the rules and conditions of the NH Global Rewards Program.
We check your three Team’s volume and payout a weekly percentage based on the lesser leg cycle amount. Once the Weekly Unlimited Team Bonus has been paid out, any unused volume is carried over to the following week.
To be eligible for the Unlimited Team Bonus, a Partner needs to be a 1☆ Partner rank minimum in a specific weekly period. This means they need at least 100 BV in each Team sales volume at the end of the weekly commissions period.
If you do not have enough volume to qualify for the Unlimited Team Bonus weekly payout, your BV will roll over to the following week.
Unlimited Team Commissions are paid out three days after every weekly commission period ends.
For example: If one weekly commission period ends on Monday the 12th, the Unlimited Team Commissions will be credited to the Partners’ commissions account on Thursday the 15th of the same month.
At NH Global, we want to reward those who achieve special milestones. Therefore, we have created a One Time Rank Achievement Bonus that you will be able to collect once you reach a certain rank.
When you achieve a higher rank for the first time, you will be rewarded with an extra ONE-TIME Rank Achievement Bonus. If you earn more than one rank advancement in the same weekly period, all rank rewards will be given to you.
One of the biggest joys is to see others around you being successful when you develop your business. The best thing about the NH Global Rewards Program is that we reward you really well for helping and celebrating with others. Real success comes when you can celebrate your Team Partners for their success.
Based on your weekly rank, you have an opportunity to tap into seven sponsorship levels for your Team and check match their earnings. In addition, your Team Partner gets rewarded from the Unlimited Team Bonus every week; you also get an extra percent on that as a check match.
For example, you personally sponsored your friend Joe. As a result, he qualified for 200 EUR of an Unlimited Team Bonus in a weekly period – so you will be rewarded an extra 20% on Joe’s 200 EUR, which is an extra 40 EUR to you for the Team Check Matching Bonus. As mentioned, this goes to the first seven sponsorship levels.
We believe that a successful business is built for the future, and we should always save when we are building our business successfully. Therefore, at NH Global, we created a special Loyalty Savings 10k Bonus, where we want to reward you for two things: LOYALTY to us and CONSISTENCY to your business. Therefore, we will build savings for you by adding an extra reward to your weekly successes.
Every week, when qualified*, 10% on top of your Unlimited Team Bonus amount will be added as a bonus from our side, which will go to a special member’s Loyalty Savings account wallet. This account will keep collecting all of your weekly savings that have been paid from this bonus.
The maximum we will add from your commissions per month will be 2,500 EUR. Once your Loyalty Savings 10k Bonus hits 10,000 EUR, you will be issued your bonus to your commissions in total no later than ten days after your 10,000 EUR goal is completed.
For example, you received 200 EUR combining all rewards in the last commission week; we will add an extra 10% (20 EUR) to your Loyalty Savings 10k Bonus. Next week, you earn 300 EUR, so we add 30 EUR to your Loyalty Savings 10k Bonus, etc.
When you are really committed and sacrifice a lot of your time to make something exceptional in your life genuinely successful – it is the time to receive something extra back. So, at NH Global, we developed LOCAL and GLOBAL Ownership Pool Bonuses, especially for Partners that significantly contribute to the growth of their local markets, which also impacts the expansion of the global market.
Every three months, we take 3% of the entire company sales over that period (2% from local markets and 1% from the whole global market sales), and we divide it by the number of shares in the pool. Once we have determined the share value for each pool, we add them to your commissions on the 10th of the following month for the previous three months. The more weekly shares you collect in three months, the higher your Ownership Bonus Pool Reward is.
NH Global rewards its Partners and Customers with special trips, prizes, and incentives from time to time. Some of them are in place regularly, and some of them are seasonal. The best way to get all of the active and latest information about any campaign is to connect with NH Global’s official channels on social media, subscribe to company emails, or attend different company events.
The are no guarantees regarding the income from the NH Global Rewards Plan. The success or failure of each Participant or Partner, like in any other business, depends upon each one’s skillset and personal effort. Earning levels for Partners are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the Partners business skills, personal goals, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors.
NH Global is committed to meeting all legal and compliance requirements in the Network Marketing / Direct Sales industry. To protect the legal standing of the Company and protect our Partners from making unsubstantiated income claims, we have developed this NH Global Income Disclosure Statement. The Income disclosure is designed to display truthful information regarding the income generated from the NH Global Rewards Plan.
* The maximum payout in the NH Global Rewards Plan is capped at 65% of global volume (BV) including all rewards and commissions, bonuses. Partners income may be subject to this cap and adjusted from time to time.
The information shared above has been updated on November 29th, 2021 and are subject to change without prior notice if needed. NH Global is also not responsible for any possible mistakes made in the text above.